Monday, January 14, 2008

Big Announcement: Wedding Photography Giveaway!

For a while now Valerie and I have been trying to come up with ways to give back to our community. We wanted to do something that would have a positive effect in the life of someone else. We constantly see how important our photography becomes to our clients - it becomes a special part of the couple's history, not to mention their families history for generations to come - so we thought that giving the gift of wedding photography would be a wonderful way to create that positive effect.
So here's the deal. We're looking for brides and grooms who have overcome great odds or obstacles in their life, or perhaps just has a wonderful story to share. 
We need to receive a letter (email) telling your story and why you are deserving. Valerie and I will choose finalists, who's stories and photos will appear on our website and blog. You all will then have a chance to vote for your favorite couple, and your votes will decide who the winner will be! You can nominate yourselves or be nominated by someone else, but we want to find one couple who truly deserves to receive our gift.
All the details are available on my website, so take a look there for all the specifics. The deadline for entries is February 28, 2008.
We need your help to spread the word though, so if you know anyone who should enter, please let them know. We've never done anything like this before, but we hope it will be a real positive experience for everyone.
Thanks for all your help!

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