Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Snow Shoe Test Drive

If you don't already know, Val and I really enjoy the outdoors in the winter, winter camping especially. For Christmas I got her a pair of snowshoes, and my parents bought both of us really nice anoraks, which is like a oversized wind breaker. We're headed to the UP in a couple weeks to do some camping and shooting there for a few days with my dad and some other friends, so we thought we had better take our snowshoes for a test drive to make sure everything works like it should. We were going to go to a park or the arboretum or something, but with all the snow today all we needed to do was step outside and we found ourselves in four foot drifts of snow!
Hopefully we'll get out this weekend to an area park to put the tent and toboggan though it's paces. We'll keep you posted!