Friday, February 2, 2007

Taking advantage of the winter

Gov_Dodge2007-01-2039.jpgState parks are wonderful places, but they are not usually places I visit or camp at between mid-May and September. Too many people and too much noise. In the winter though it's a completely different story.
Valerie and I ventured to Governor Dodge State Park near Dodgeville and camped for two nights. State parks have so much to offer, and it's so nice to nearly have the whole place to yourself. There were other skiers and snowshoers out on the trails, but we had the campground to ourselves. It's so wonderful to spend the evening in a nice warm tent heated with a wood burning stove, and then walk out into the crisp cold air, look up and see a sky speckled with stars and hear nothing but a few coyotes in the distance. It's a beautiful thing. View more photos here:
David & Valerie at Governor DodgeStove inside the tentGov_Dodge2007-01-2186.jpg

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